What can be done if the apple tree seedling is broken and how to save the tree, gardeners' advice

If something goes wrong and the apple tree sapling breaks down, gardeners say that this is a sure sign of insufficient care for it. But there is no time to blame yourself when this happened, and you should not put an end to the damaged plant. It is better to try to help the little tree and save it from possible death.

The apple tree seedling has broken - what to do?

First of all, one should start with an assessment of the damage, and see which part of the tree was damaged - branches broke off, the trunk cracked, only the bark was damaged or it was completely broken.

Injury to a seedling can occur for various reasons: due to bad weather, improperly installed support, improper crown formation or temperature changes.

It is important to find out what caused the damage to the plant.

Damage in the upper tier

If a seedling has broken off by half or more one or a couple of main branches of the crown, then after planting it in the ground, you need to prune. During the process, damaged branches are removed below the fracture site by one healthy bud.

When the branches are broken at the base, where they leave the trunk, then it is recommended to carefully cut them off at the site of the break. Then the damaged area should be cleaned with a sharp knife and the wounds that appear on the trunk should be smeared with a layer of garden varnish - bought in a store or prepared by hand.

After the event, the tree can be planted on a permanent site.

broken apple tree seedlings

Fault in the lower tier

If a seedling has a damaged trunk in the area of ​​the trunk - from the neck of the rhizome to the first skeletal branches of the crown, you need to act somewhat differently:

  • If the bark is peeled off and the wood is visible, then the damage is also recommended to be thoroughly cleaned and covered with a layer of garden resin.
  • If the seedling breaks down in the area of ​​the trunk above the vaccination site, then it is advisable to plant it in a temporary place until it is fully restored. Before planting, it should be cut below the fracture, but before inoculation. Subsequently, young shoots will appear on the hemp, from which you can choose the strongest and get planting material from it.
  • If the stem of the seedling broke below the grafting site, then knowledge of the technique of grafting this fruit crop will be required. After cutting the apple tree below the graft, it should be planted until it is restored. The strongest is selected from the grown shoots, and a crop of the desired variety is grafted on it.

apple tree seedling in the garden

Can a seedling be restored?

When there was a complete breakage of the seedling, the chances of recovery are few, but they are.First of all, you should try to fasten the barrel with a bandage, for this you need the following:

  • attach a rubber gasket to the barrel;
  • wrap it around with wire up to 5 mm thick or rope;
  • it is advisable to tighten the mount so that it holds the trunk and does not allow it to crack;
  • then the entire trunk should be covered with a mixture, which includes ash, clay, mullein and vitriol, and wrapped with a clean medical bandage;
  • the surface of the bandage should also be liberally lubricated with a "medicinal" mixture that has fungicidal, stimulating and regenerative effects.

Before winter, the composition should be washed off, the dressing material should be removed. The wire still remains, and it is recommended to grease the cracks with melted garden pitch. In the spring, the procedure is repeated.

apple seedling in the garden

Helpful tips from gardeners

It is not easy to treat a young tree, this will require certain efforts and skills, so it is advisable to prevent possible damage:

  1. To stimulate the growth of side shoots and additionally exclude the possibility of breaking the fragile trunk from the winds, it is recommended to shorten the trunk by 2-3 buds after planting the seedling in the ground.
  2. Young apple trees are the object of desire of voracious rodents, and to protect the plant from them, you can tie it using spruce branches or reeds - this is done until the trunk is covered with strong bark, which is too tough for small animals.

apple tree seedling in an open area

Following useful recommendations, you can reanimate a damaged seedling, which will subsequently delight the gardener with a rich harvest.

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