Cattle maintenance

Most read entries in the heading
Cattle are ruminant artiodactyl mammals with a complex structure ...
Duration of the milk period for raising calves and diet
In the initial six months of existence, calves are very sensitive to conditions ...
Cow's milk is composed of fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and ...

It can take years for beef breeds to master the intricacies of caring for cows, obtaining milk, and gaining normal weight. And this is also financial costs associated with the purchase of fodder, treatment, construction of corrals. Why look for your own methods if you can use someone else's experience?

The thematic heading on the content of cattle contains advice from experts with many years of experience who are well versed in these issues. And it is much easier to navigate the ordered, cataloged material than to search for it on the Internet yourself. Make sure of this, use the provided hint.

How to properly feed a cow at home before and after calving
How to properly feed a cow at home before and after calving
Knowing how to feed a cow before and after calving, as well as how to adjust her daily ...
Rules and 3 techniques for taking blood from cattle, preparation and possible mistakes
Rules and 3 techniques for taking blood from cattle, preparation and possible mistakes
Medical and preventive measures, as an integral part of veterinary supervision in the livestock industry, require close attention and regularity ...
Technique and features of rectal examination of a cow for pregnancy
Technique and features of rectal examination of a cow for pregnancy
Rectal examination of adult cows for pregnancy allows to establish the presence of pregnancy and even determine the term. After all...
Birth and care of twins calves and how to understand that there will be twins
Birth and care of twins calves and how to understand that there will be twins
The appearance of a calf on the farm is a great joy for the farmer, because this is an increase in the livestock, the possibility of further ...
Dimensions and drawings of a stall for cows and bulls, how to make at home
Dimensions and drawings of a stall for cows and bulls, how to make at home
The performance of a farm animal, its health and duration of use is directly affected by its comfort. Large...
How much milk does a first heifer normally give and what can affect milk yield
How much milk does a first heifer normally give and what can affect milk yield
Milk production matters when raising cows of any breed. How many liters of milk does a first heifer give and ...
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